Members' Meetings

As a member-led, member-owned co-operative, our Members decide how their community bank should be run.

We hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year to present audited accounts to our Members, to elect Directors to run the community bank on behalf of the membership, to provide a report on progress and forward plans, and to take questions and listen to our Members.

This year, our AGM will take place on:

Wednesday 12 March 2025, at 13:00 using technology (Members are able to join from home on a computer, tablet, smartphone or ordinary telephone).

Places need to be booked by completing an online booking form or by calling us (please note that it is quicker and easier to book your place online!).

The minutes of our last AGM are in DRAFT only - they need to be approved by Members at the next meeting. Once they have been reviewed by our Directors and we believe that the draft is an accurate recording of the decisions taken at the meeting they will be published here.

Draft minutes of the AGM held on 08 March 2024
Audited accounts for year ending September 2024

AGM Information

At our 2020 AGM, Members voted to approve the proposed changes to our Rulebook. The Rulebook sets out the Rules by which the community bank is organised and run. It's an important document that we must have. The new Rulebook was approved by the Regulator on 03 August 2022.

Please find below a copy of the current Rulebook:

  • Current Rulebook (pdf file)

Members are reminded that they can contact us if they have any issues or questions regarding the Rules, or any other business of the AGM or their community bank.